Announcing: Marble is Acquired By The Zebra

The Zebra, the nation's leading insurance comparison site, acquired Marble in order to innovate more rapidly and expand its consumer offerings.

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At Marble, we're committed to guiding you towards better insurance choices. While our editorial content adheres to strict standards, we do occasionally mention products from partner companies. Find out how we keep the lights on.

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Announcing: Marble is Acquired By The ZebraAnnouncing: Marble is Acquired By The Zebra

We’re thrilled to announce that on July 25th, 2024, Marble was acquired by The Zebra, the nation’s leading insurance comparison site. With a shared goal of simplifying insurance shopping for American consumers, we’re excited to combine our digital wallet, policy management, and automated shopping tools with The Zebra’s robust comparison shopping infrastructure. 

Why Did The Zebra Acquire Marble?

This was a strategic acquisition on the part of The Zebra, which plans to harness Marble’s team and technology to provide even more value and convenience to their customers. Specifically, working together with the Marble team, they plan to leverage Marble’s technology to give The Zebra users a way to organize their insurance information while using the platform to shop, compare, re-shop, and save on all their insurance policies. 

“Our goal at The Zebra has always been to take the hassle out of shopping for insurance – and to make it accessible, fast, and simple for everyone,” said Keith Melnick, CEO of The Zebra. “By acquiring Marble, we’re excited to bring aboard teams and technology perfectly aligned with our goals. This is only going to make it easier for us to provide all types of customers better ways to not only save on insurance, but also organize and access their policies.” 

(We pulled Keith’s quote directly from The Zebra’s press release, which you can read here).

What Does This Mean for Marble Members Today?

Great question! That answer will change over time, but for today, this is what Marble members can expect:

  • Account Management: Your policies aren’t going anywhere, and neither is your Marble account. You can still access your policies on the go from the Marble app whenever you need them. You’ll also have the ability to add new insurance documents to your account at any time.
  • Shopping: While you can continue to shop for all kinds of insurance with Marble, you’ll see some changes if you’re looking for home and auto rates. Once you start a quote, you’ll be redirected to The Zebra’s world-class shopping experience to complete the process and get in touch with an agent.
  • Support: The Marble team remains committed to helping you manage, simplify, and save on your insurance. In short, we’re not going anywhere either!

What Does This Mean for Marble Members In The Future?

We can’t reveal all the details yet, but Marble members should expect some exciting changes — from deeper account management to more robust automated shopping. So stay tuned for more!

How Does The Marble Team Feel About This?

Simply marbleous, of course! To quote our CEO Stuart Winchester (from the aforementioned press release), “I am so proud of the innovative product the Marble team has built over the last four years. Today’s announcement represents both a great accomplishment and a huge new opportunity. With over a decade of proven success and dedication to American insurance shoppers, we knew basically right away that with The Zebra, our team will continue to make a big impact.” 

To quote him from across the office, “This is going to be very cool.”

We are, of course, most grateful for our incredible Marble members, who are the reason we do what we do (and built what we built). So please: stick around for the next part of the journey. It’s just starting to get interesting! 
