What’s A VPN And Why Is It Important For Your Cybersecurity?

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What’s A VPN And Why Is It Important For Your Cybersecurity?Medieval helmet symbolizing the protection that VPNs provide in terms of cybersecurity

Listen, we’re an insurance app, so of course we’re interested in mitigating risk. That’s why we install smart home security devices to keep out intruders, double-check the expiration dates on all the food in our pantry, and buckle up every time we get in the car. When it comes to staying safe on the internet, though, everything still feels pretty unknown. Not to mention that the foes just keep getting smarter and smarter (hello, ChatGPT). 

We keep saying it, but the internet really is the Wild West. Sure, you’ve got the things we love, like one trillion blueberry muffin recipes and all the Persian carpets, but there’s also the dark web, with its malicious trolls and rogue scammers. We don’t want to sound too doomsday though; there are a number of ways you can stay cyber secure.

Virtual Private Networks, more commonly known as VPNs, are one such way to safeguard your privacy online, as well as your internet connection. They work by establishing an encrypted connection between your computer and the world wide web, kind of like a private tunnel or a motorcade. Instead of riding along exposed, hair blowing in the wind for all to see, the VPN keeps you anonymous and blocks anyone from seeing where you’re going or what you’re doing. 

With so much of life taking place online these days — and so many people working from home — VPNs are no longer a tool just for the crime solvers and spies. In fact, everyone should make use of this extra and essential layer of protection, especially when working from an unsecured network. 

Most of us don’t think twice about logging onto the wifi at a local coffee shop or airport, but these networks can be easily breached by hackers since they don’t require passwords. Though your internet traffic is probably uninteresting (we see you scrolling through Pinterest!), any sensitive information you do input, such as bank details or credit card numbers, would be pretty attractive to a thief. 

Home networks are comparatively much safer because there’s less of a chance that someone will be able to join your network. Hacking someone’s data isn’t easy, so scammers want to cast a wide net — the math works better in a public place. At home, on the other hand, you can regularly change your network name and password, among other measures, to help keep things secure.

That said, however — and it’s a big however — a home VPN helps to secure other data. It keeps companies from collecting info on you, can bolster your anonymity, and keeps people from tracking your every (virtual) move. 

If you’re in the market, we’re fans of MyCyberProtection™ by Cyberboxx Home, which provides you with access to a VPN through their WhiteHaX product. In addition to encrypting your data and anonymizing your online activity, WhiteHaX is an easy-to-use mobile app for securing your home network and mobile devices that also includes a password manager and web filter.

If you’re interested in cyber security, MyCyber Protection™ and WhiteHaX can help. And while you’re at it, check out Marble, where you can compare policies and quotes to help keep your digital self safe — all while earning rewards. Sign up today and you’ll be on your way to internet security!
